
during the first RCom meeting we decided we would seek ways to highlight strategic research challenges at some major social computing conference.

John suggested we could organise "a panel at which some members of this committee might give a presentation on their views on high-value research contributions to Wikipedia". Others proposed a competition/data challenge to bootstrap research relevant to the strategic objectives of the Wikimedia community [1].

I wanted to bring to your attention the fact that two upcoming conferences, SocialCom [2] and WebScience [3], currently accept workshop proposals. KDD [4] is also soliciting workshop proposals but the deadline is very close (1 Feb). Calls for workshops at other major conferences this summer (HT, ICWSM, CHI, CSCW) are already closed. If we wish to organise a Wikimedia research session, the two conferences above would make great venues. I am not yet considering venues such as WikiSym, CollaborateCom, GROUP or CPOV that will take place later in Fall 2011, but these are obvious options as well.

Is anyone among us already planning to attend any of the above conferences?
Does anybody want to help draft some ideas for a possible workshop proposal?

