Welcome everyone! Glad that you are on e-lists, Mayo

«·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·»
«·´¨*·¸¸« Mayo Fuster Morell ».¸.·*¨`·»
«·´`·.(¸.·´(¸.·* *·.¸)`·.¸).·´`·»

Research Digital Commons Governance: http://www.onlinecreation.info
European University Institute - Phd Candidate
School of information Berkeley Visiting researcher
Phone Italy: (New!) 0039-3312805010 or 0039-0558409982
Phone Spanish State: 0034-648877748
E-mail: mayo.fuster@eui.eu
Skype: mayoneti
Identi.ca: Mayo
Postal address: Badia Fiesolana - Via dei Roccettini 9, I-50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) - Italy
Fax [+39] 055 4685 201

-----Missatge original-----
De: rcom-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org en nom de Erik Moeller
Enviat el: dj. 09/09/2010 05:21
Per a: The Wikimedia Foundation Research Committee mailing list
Tema: [RCom-l] Staff additions

Hello all,

as I mentioned in one of my initial e-mails, I'd like to add the
following Wikimedia Foundation staff members to the rcom-l list as
observers and participants. Please let me know if you have any
concerns about this.

Erik Zachte - Data Analyst, the brain behind stats.wikimedia.org

Howie Fung - Senior Product Manager, works directly with me on the
strategic development roadmap

Parul Vora - User Experience Researcher, helps us figure out
next-generation UIs and how to build them

Nimish Gautam - Software Developer who is currently shifting his focus
to Analytics (helping us implement a pilot of OpenWebAnalytics)

Amy Roth - Research Analyst with the public policy initiative, the
primary brain behind e.g. their quality assessment framework (

All best,
Erik Möller
Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation

Support Free Knowledge: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate

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