FAILURE: browsertests-Wikidata-WikidataTests-linux-firefox-sauce Build #137 (Tue, 17 Feb 2015 14:22:00 +0000)

Test Result

41 failed, 0 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Adding references to statements.Add reference with multiple snaks1 min 19 sec19
Authority control gadget test.Check links created by gadget (outline example : | Q12480 | false |)18 sec22
Authority control gadget test.Check links created by gadget (outline example : | Q12480 | true |)24 sec22
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string and reload page52 sec22
Edit aliases.Aliases UI has all required elements1.2 sec8
Edit aliases.Bugfix for editbutton appearing when it should not15 sec8
Edit aliases.Cancel aliases (outline example : | click the aliases cancel button |)23 sec8
Edit aliases.Cancel aliases (outline example : | press the ESC key in the new alias input field |)19 sec8
Edit aliases.Click edit button14 sec8
Edit aliases.Duplicated aliases detection14 sec8
Edit aliases.Duplicated aliases resolve14 sec8
Edit aliases.Edit aliases UI13 sec9
Edit aliases.Edit multiple aliases14 sec8
Edit aliases.Remove alias14 sec8
Edit aliases.Remove all aliases18 sec8
Edit aliases.Remove all aliases and reload15 sec8
Edit aliases.Save alias (outline example : | click the aliases save button |)16 sec8
Edit aliases.Save alias (outline example : | press the RETURN key in the new alias input field |)18 sec8
Edit aliases.Save alias and reload (outline example : | click the aliases save button |)17 sec9
Edit aliases.Save alias and reload (outline example : | press the RETURN key in the new alias input field |)20 sec8
Edit aliases.Save duplicated aliases16 sec8
Edit aliases.Save multiple aliases16 sec8
Edit aliases.Special inputs for aliases (outline example : | 0 | 0 |)18 sec8
Edit aliases.Special inputs for aliases (outline example : | | |)14 sec8
Edit aliases.Special inputs for aliases (outline example : | norm a lize me | norm a lize me |)22 sec8
Edit aliases.Too long input for alias14 sec8
Edit aliases.Type new alias14 sec8
Edit aliases.Zombie alias bugfix15 sec19
Edit sitelinks.Edit sitelink43 sec19
Item smoke test.Check UI elements (outline example : | Q15905 | Italy | republic in Southern Europe | "Italia", "Italian Republic", "Italië" | 3 | 3 | false |)41 sec22
Item smoke test.Check UI elements (outline example : | Q15905 | Italy | republic in Southern Europe | "Italia", "Italian Republic", "Italië" | 3 | 3 | true |)48 sec22
Item smoke test.Click UI elements (outline example : | Q15905 | false |)40 sec22
Item smoke test.Click UI elements (outline example : | Q15905 | true |)46 sec22
Property smoke test.Check UI elements (outline example : | P694 | instance of | this item is a concrete object (instance) of this class, category or object group | "is a", "is an", "rdf:type" | 3 | Item | false |)22 sec8
Property smoke test.Check UI elements (outline example : | P694 | instance of | this item is a concrete object (instance) of this class, category or object group | "is a", "is an", "rdf:type" | 3 | Item | true |)26 sec8
Property smoke test.Click UI elements (outline example : | P694 | false |)25 sec8
Property smoke test.Click UI elements (outline example : | P694 | true |)33 sec8
Setting ranks of statements.Change the rank, save and reload34 sec22
Setting snaktypes of statements.Change the snaktype (outline example : | novalue |)35 sec1
Setting snaktypes of statements.Change the snaktype, save and reload (outline example : | novalue |)56 sec24
Setting snaktypes of statements.Change the snaktype, save and reload (outline example : | somevalue |)49 sec22

All Tests

(root)1 hr 13 min410143