FAILURE: browsertests-Wikidata-WikidataTests-linux-firefox-sauce Build #154 (Fri, 06 Mar 2015 14:22:01 +0000)

Test Result

9 failed, 0 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Setting ranks of statements.Change the rank and save35 sec2
Setting ranks of statements.Change the rank, save and reload34 sec2
Setting ranks of statements.Click the rank selector36 sec2
Setting snaktypes of statements.Change the snaktype (outline example : | somevalue |)35 sec2
Setting snaktypes of statements.Change the snaktype and save (outline example : | somevalue |)42 sec2
Setting snaktypes of statements.Change the snaktype, save and reload (outline example : | novalue |)37 sec2
Setting snaktypes of statements.Change the snaktype, save and reload (outline example : | somevalue |)40 sec2
Setting snaktypes of statements.Click the snaktype selector14 sec1
Using time properties in statements.Time parser in the preview and precision detection should work properly (outline example : | 1000000000 BCE | 1 billion years BCE | billion years |)1 min 7 sec2

All Tests

(root)2 hr 48 min90178