FAILURE: browsertests-Wikidata-WikidataTests-linux-firefox-sauce Build #128 (Sun, 08 Feb 2015 14:22:01 +0000)

Test Result

16 failed, 0 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Adding references to statements.Add reference with multiple snaks1 min 14 sec10
Authority control gadget test.Check links created by gadget (outline example : | Q12480 | false |)15 sec13
Authority control gadget test.Check links created by gadget (outline example : | Q12480 | true |)25 sec13
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string and reload page49 sec13
Edit aliases.Zombie alias bugfix35 sec10
Edit label.Click edit button7.1 sec1
Edit sitelinks.Add sitelink (outline example : | en | Asia | Asia |)56 sec5
Edit sitelinks.Edit sitelink45 sec10
Item smoke test.Check UI elements (outline example : | Q15905 | Italy | republic in Southern Europe | "Italia", "Italian Republic", "Italië" | 3 | 3 | false |)1 min 31 sec13
Item smoke test.Check UI elements (outline example : | Q15905 | Italy | republic in Southern Europe | "Italia", "Italian Republic", "Italië" | 3 | 3 | true |)1 min 35 sec13
Item smoke test.Click UI elements (outline example : | Q15905 | false |)57 sec13
Item smoke test.Click UI elements (outline example : | Q15905 | true |)1 min 2 sec13
Non existing item.Edit tab11 sec7
Setting ranks of statements.Change the rank, save and reload49 sec13
Setting snaktypes of statements.Change the snaktype, save and reload (outline example : | novalue |)50 sec15
Setting snaktypes of statements.Change the snaktype, save and reload (outline example : | somevalue |)50 sec13

All Tests

(root)1 hr 23 min160141