FAILURE: Build #125 (Sat, 08 Aug 2015 21:46:00 +0000)

Test Result

11 failed, 28 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Actions menu Permalink.Topic Actions menu Permalink5 ms125
Board description.No description on a new board1 ms16
Creating a new topic.Add new Flow topic as anonymous user4 ms16
Flow Special:EnableFlow enables new flow boards.Enabling a new Flow page5 ms16
Flow updates are in Recent Changes.New topic is in Recent Changes4 ms16
Mark topic as resolved.Resolving a topic without a summary5 ms16
Moderation.Deleting a topic9 ms45
Reopen a resolved topic.Reopening a resolved topic and changing the summary11 ms16
Reply moderation.Hiding a comment6 ms45
Sorting topics.Switch topic sorting to Recently Active Topics5 ms16
Suppress.Suppressing a topic4 ms45

All Tests

(root)0.48 sec112839