On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Pyfisch <pyfisch@googlemail.com> wrote:
at the moment Pywikibot has four mailing lists.
* pywikipedia-announce – Only two messages this year (one spam, the other one to say sorry.) no last year
* pywikipedia-l – This list, very active ;-)
* pywikipedia-svn – Not needed anymore because of the move to git.
* pywikipedia-bugs – Used to inform users about bugs reported on Sourceforge, after the move to Bugzilla this is not needed anymore, right?

So I propose to close at least pywikipedia-svn and pywikipedia-bugs, maybe also pywikipedia-announce because it is not used.

As John mentioned, -bugs is already used by bugzilla.

Pywikipedia-svn has been retired in favor of pywikibot-commits. I've explicitly noted this on the mailing list info page [1] and I have blocked new subscriptions. 

Pywikipedia-announce should either be used more actively (the git conversion has not even been announced) or it should be retired: people might have the impression they are kept up to date on important changes now, even though they are not.


[1] https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/pywikipedia-svn/