Hi Strainu,

I don't think there's a very simple solution to this, but there are two main options:
 - hack around the oauth login to not use the paws oauth data, or
 - download and copy all files

I think the latter is probably the easiest solution:


On 1 April 2017 at 10:03, Strainu <strainu10@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm trying to move some of my scripts to PAWS. Without realizing, I
logged in to PAWS with my normal username, not my bot username, so
when I try to change the username from user-config.py, I get the

pywikibot.exceptions.NoUsername: Logged in on wikipedia:ro via OAuth
as Strainu, but expect as Strainubot

Is there any way I can change the username or do I need to create
another notebook? If the latter, how can I easily move my files
between notebooks?


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