Hi Binaris,

I’ll to investigate into this matter this weekend. Following some ideas:

Seems the config.log variable isn’t an empty list. Refer my other may to figure it out.

You 2nd example does not work because version script does not use handleargs. To use global args you have to use global options with the pwb wrapper:

pwb -nolog version 

You can also play with logfile settings.

Numeric config options can be given as global option, e.g.

pwb -logfilesize:256 -logfilecount:0 touch -page:user:xqt

Does it help?

Note: these setting is for each script because logs are written per script name.

Have you ever cleared the api cache? It may need a lot of space if accumulated over months. Did you ever run Pywikibot tests? tests have its own api cache. Check your installed site packages:

pip freeze

Maybe there are some you don’t need and space can be freed. For example wikitextparser is not necessary if you have mwparserfromhell installed.


Am 17.11.2022 um 09:14 schrieb Bináris <wikiposta@gmail.com>:

To the prevoius:
The snake bites its own tail, we say here.
There are a lot of logging errors because the script could not log the previous error. But it should not have logged anything, only perform a task, and write on screen and modify a page on wiki. In MY script nothing uses the device.
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