2017-05-16 0:31 GMT+02:00 Bináris <wikiposta@gmail.com>:

2017-05-15 23:53 GMT+02:00 Bináris <wikiposta@gmail.com>:

I downloaded core and try to use it.
What is difference between "ERROR: Login failed (Aborted)." and "ERROR: Login failed (Failed)."?

None of them is what I want.

I think the first message is shown when I enter the correct password. Tested with two bot accounts. No further explanation. 

Now, Tgr showed me this page: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Login#The_login_action
 Aborted (since 1.27) if the login using the main account password (rather than a bot password) cannot proceed because user interaction is required. The clientlogin action should be used instead.

That's nice. How to tell login.py to handle this case and use clientlogin?