Hey Xqt,
I'm happy you brought this issue but currently I'm working on it and it's not finished. I must note that some parts are forked not all parts. It won't be an alternative of pywikibot for wikibase.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 6:04 PM <info@gno.de> wrote:
What was the reason for this fork and was is intended for the future of it?
It will be a mandatory submodule of pywikibot and it will be used (at least) by pywikibot and some other projects. We did this because developers of pywikibot agreed on splitting the library on several layers and I heard from some people that handling data model of wikibase is hard but for tasks like that they can't install pywikibot. Using it is hard and requires redundant variables and attributes for wide broad potentially use cases. e.g. someone wants to read json dumps of wikidata and to get how many statements are in items. In ideal world (s)he doesn't need to connect to internet or define pywikibot.Site, etc. but we require them to do.
So I thought it's a good idea and after some talks in Wikimania and approvals from pywikibot devs and wikidata devs I started doing this.
How is it usable with the current framework?
It will be used by multiple inheritance inside the library and parts related to the classes of WikibasePage, ItemPage, PropertyPage, Claim, Property, etc. e.g.
class WikibasePage(Page, pywikibase.WikibasePage):
And then we use attributes and methods of pywikibase.WikibasePage
Are the given scripts to be removed from it?
And why the separation between framework and user script was abandoned there.
 Because it will be used by library of pywikibot not scripts. Scripts will use it indirectly.


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