if You set content to False the page.text will be None and the conetnt will be fetched live once You use it.

working on all pages contet will be easier from dumps. As you download them offline compressed. otherwise You make even more traffic from live wiki.


On 16.03.2017 18:04, Haifeng Zhang wrote:

Hi, folks,

Recently, I'm working on a research project which needs extracting article information from wikipedia.

I managed to get pywikibot work on my computer and was able to pull out a few simple results.

One question is regarding a method called pywikibot.pagegenerators.AllpagesPageGenerator.

By setting the argument "content" to "True", it will return a page generator with current version. But, which version will be returned if setting the argument to False?

Also, is there a way in pywikibot to get a page generator that contains articles/pages up to a certain date?

Maybe, pywikibot is not a right tool to do this.

I was thinking of using wiki dump data instead of using a wiki API.

But, it seems the files are huge. I appreciate it you happen to have any idea to deal with this.  

Thanks a lot!


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