wikimedia / pywikibot-core (master)
Build #1737 passed.
54 minutes and 11 seconds
Merlijn van Deen f4fca8f Changeset →
  Win32 input for py3: streams are unicode not bytes

On Python 2, streams are bytes, so the unicode data returned from the
win32 api needs to be encoded (as utf-8, in this case). In Python 3,
this is all unicode, so we need to skip the encoding step.

Decoding works OK due to the 'if isinstance(x, unicode)' blocks.

Bug: T76236
Change-Id: I4121ac87816b144e334e7e47c61ce445f0b6e2c9
System message:

We just switched the default image for OS X jobs to our new image including Xcode 6.1. See our blog post for a full list of changes.

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