Hi Dmitri,

I have an embargoed copy of the research that will be announced, now have to find time to read it before the event. There's already one thing worth announcing on Signpost once this goes public.

Was there anything in particular you wanted me to look out for?

Jonathan Cardy
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 020 7065 0921

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On 3 December 2014 at 07:37, Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <dimitar.parvanov.dimitrov@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi James,

Thanks a ton for the pointer! This is inded helpful. I will contact the Observatory people on that.


2014-12-03 1:39 GMT+01:00 James Heald <j.heald@ucl.ac.uk>:
Dimi, a couple of weeks ago you were asking for thoughts about putting a value on the public domain.

I see there's some research being launched at an event in London on Friday:


More info at:


One of the people on a panel responding to it will be Jonathan Cardy of WMUK, so if there were any particular angles you were interested in, he could perhaps raise them with the academics.

All best,


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