Hi Dimi,

Re: point 3 (EP speaker): we have a lawyer here who's very much into CC-licensing and open access. He does present very well in French and English (and German, for that matter). He's probably a reference on the issue here in Switzerland (which can or cannot be an asset in a EU context), but before I reach out to him, what would you guys actually expect from such a speaker?

Point 2: risky (I wouldn't just send anyone on a scholarship - they need to know their talking points inside out, and there aren't this many of us around).

Point 4: a good product would take time and money. Do we have either?



Le 21/04/2015 16:08, Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov a écrit :

Hi all,

This morning I met Nick Shockey from SPARC [1] and the Right to Research Coalition [2]. He's in Brussels to set up their Advocacy strategy and campaign on OA and OER.

What we have have very much in common with them is that we're both worried that the term "Open Access" might be diluted to mean just having access. They also like to have more and more things put under a cc-by license, which overlaps with our goals. (As a reminder, here are our positions on the topic: [3][4])

The R2RC is organising an Open Access, Open Education and Open Data conference in Brussels coming November [5] and have asked us for some help:

1. Advise them on their advocacy targets and strategy. (I am already doing that.)
2. Participate in the conference by sending Wikimedians on scholarships. (Do you think we could/should do it and if yes how?)
3. They're planning a reception in the European Parliament in November and need a speaker. (Can we recommend someone?)
4. Struggle for interpretation: They have a brochure in the US explaining and defining OA in line with the Budapest Declaration. (Should we work with them on creating a European version and disseminating it?)


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