Francisco Assis MP from Portugal also claims he voted for by mistake (and it's well possible that it was a mistake indeed, as he voted against last time)


Joseph Seddon <> escreveu no dia terça, 26/03/2019 à(s) 22:39:

I wonder if actually given that it was so close this is being used as an excuse to voters. 

On Tue, 26 Mar 2019, 22:08 Johan Jönsson, <> wrote:
Den tis 26 mars 2019 kl 22:12 skrev john cummings <>:

That's not true, though.

First, the two Sweden Democrat MEPs voting as they had planned to would have meant that the directive would have passed as it is with a single vote, but it would still have passed. Ulvskog – a Social Democrat MEP – voted for opening a debate on amendments (that is, against adopting the directive in its entirety), but had previously stated she'd vote for adopting the directive including all articles. Her potentially pressing the wrong button certainly didn't help it pass.

Second, the Sweden Democrats "is a social conservative and right-wing populist political party" (English Wikipedia, being neutrally polite), hardly "left-leaning".

//Johan Jönsson
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