Very interesting!

I've been working on a project that is related, but uses humans to do summarising and inserting:

Edward Saperia
Conference Director Wikimania London
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On 27 May 2015 at 08:49, Saloni Agrawal <> wrote:

Hello everyone, my name is Saloni, and I’m a bioinformaticist.

I am interested in integrating scientific literature into Wikipedia. I’m developing software that imports short 3 or 4-sentence summaries from open access articles into appropriate sections of Wikipedia pages. The idea is for readers to have access to open and recent published research and to make Wikipedia a more comprehensive resource.

For example, this paper ( describes a clinical study carried out among Latin American women to test a combined injectable contraceptive called Mesigyna. My software is designed to summarize a few sentences from the abstract (Creative Commons license for legal reasons) and integrate it on this page “Combined injectable contraceptive” ( elaborating on Mesigyna in the Formulations sections.

Ideally, I would like to develop this into a bot so that users don’t have to manually add information.  I would really appreciate any guidance and guidelines on implementing this and how to get approval from the Wikipedia community.


I look forward to your thoughts and suggestions.

Best regards,


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