== Media Viewer ==

MediaViewer launched to Italian and Russian wikipedias, as well as all wikisources. [1]

Based on survey feedback, we've made the metadata panel chevron a bit more prominent. [2] We also fixed a bug where text selection wasn't working. [3]

The Media Viewer metrics dashboards have been fixed [4][5][6][7], giving us visibility on these recent launches. Which allowed to see that a milestone has been reached: more than 10 million images are viewed daily with Media Viewer.

== Upload Wizard ==

Our spring cleaning of Upload Wizard continued [8][9] and we've been adding metrics collection [10] to better understand the usage funnels and what the biggest issues that users encounter are.

We've had a meeting to plan Upload Wizard work in the coming weeks and months and our conclusion was that we're going to focus on fixing the existing experience first and then work on incremental small improvements, instead of undertaking an overhaul of the entire experience.

We've been talking to Neil Kandalgaonkar, the original author of Upload Wizard, who may help us this summer on a contract basis in order to help us get more done on the Upload Wizard front. His focus would likely be browser tests and integration tests.

== Structured data ==

We've been lining up meetings with the Wikidata team for our upcoming common work on structured data for media. We are likely to have both our teams work together in the same location for a short period in September or October in order to get the momentum going on that project.

== Yearly planning ==

We've been planning the fiscal year ahead in terms of our team's objectives, a plan will likely be posted to this mailing list soon. The main areas of focus are going to be Upload Wizard, technical debt and bugs (Image scaling, upload pipeline, core media handling, TimedMediaHandler) and structured data.