On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Quim Gil <quim.gil@nokia.com> wrote:
Hi, there is a list of proposed URLs for testing mobile browsers:


As you can see, the focus is put on interoperability.

A good start! Couple quick notes:

- since we don't serve SVG images directly in pages, the SVG page test can be deferred (we send rasterized PNGs to all browsers; if we start sending some images as raw SVG, then testing will need to be started for compatibility)

- video and audio will probably work on very few mobile platforms for now

It looks like playback is actually _totally busted_ right now as we're passing through part of the markup for triggering the embedded players, but none of the player logic... so you get a thumbnail and a "Play" button that doesn't do anything. :(

If player logic gets added in, actual playback _should_ work on Android and Maemo/Meego, but probably not much else, due to limited support for Ogg Vorbis & Theora.

I'd probably also recommend organizing the test browsers into at least a couple tiers, maybe:

* Tier-1: iOS Safari, Android default browser
* Tier-2: Blackberry, Opera Mobile, Opera Mini, Firefox Mobile (in most cases should work great, but it's not widely used)
* Tier-3: everything else?

Tier 1 are the default browsers on the two most popular smartphone platforms, and make up the vast majority of mobile hits. Ideally, everything should work pretty consistently.

Tier 2 covers the most important ones that should still be pretty high quality: Blackberry is still popular; Opera Mobile and Mini cover a fair range of platforms and are popular on some; Firefox Mobile is available on Android and should usually work well for us without much manual work. Stuff should work, but we expect these to be minority usages.

Tier 3 would be the catch-all: nice to work, but some are going to be hard to test and some might not be well maintained.

-- brion