Good news,

The Android Alpha builds are working again. If you've installed the Alpha apks from Jenkins you'll have to uninstall them first.


On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Bernd Sitzmann <> wrote:
The Android alpha build[1] machine has issues kicking off builds again.[2] 
It looks like there won't be a new build until tomorrow a the earliest.
In the mean time you can follow the previous instructions again to get a newer alpha build apk.
A newer example for a link to an apk file can be found at [3]. 
Note that you will need to uninstall the old Alpha app if you have it installed before you can install the new one since they were built with different keystore.



On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 2:48 PM, Bernd Sitzmann <> wrote: is back to producing fresh Android alpha apks.
So, you can disregard my earlier email.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Bernd Sitzmann <> wrote:
Due to labs outage, the Android alpha build has not been run since Wednesday.
If you want to grab the latest and greatest newly merged alpha apk then you can do so from Gerrit > Jenkins. Since the apk built there do use the same signing certificate yet, you would have to uninstall the old alpha apk.

Here is a direct link to the alpha apk that's merged right now: 

If you want the very latest you can follow these steps instead:

2. From the patch details, e.g., scroll all the way down to the bottom to the last link that says "apps-android-wikipedia-gradlew". Follow that link.
3. On the Jenkins page that shows the Console output Click on the Status link.
4. On the build status page download the file linked as wikipedia-alpha-debug.apk.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I plan to respond to this thread when the regular alpha builds are working again.
