I have a few inactive MediaWiki sites currently running 1.26.4 that I want to convert to static HTML.  As a first step, I enabled short URLs using the instructions at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL/Apache.  The site I am working on was originally in https://example.ca/dm.  I moved the 'dm' folder to 'w'.  In the root folder, I added the following line to .htaccess in the document root which contains both the 'w' and 'dm' folders.

  RewriteRule ^/?dm(/.*)?$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]

The site loaded fine when accessed as https://example.ca/w.  I then updated LocalSettings.php using 'dm' as a replacement for 'wiki':

$wgScriptPath = "/w";
$wgArticlePath = "/dm/$1";

I purged the cache by truncating the MySQL objectcache.  When I access https://example.ca/dm, the site appears to load properly.  However, I noticed a lot of references to /w:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=mediawiki.legacy.commonPrint%2Cshared%7Cmediawiki.sectionAnchor%7Cmediawiki.skinning.interface%7Cskins.vector.styles&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=vector" />

<script async src="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=startup&amp;only=scripts&amp;skin=vector"></script>

There are other references to /w and //example.ca/w for links such as 'edit', 'search', and 'talk' but those will be deleted anyway.

I downloaded the site using wget and the instructions at http://camwebb.info/blog/2012-12-20/.  When I uploaded the static HTML files to a web server and displayed the first page, it lacked stylesheets - they had been downloaded to a 'w' folder as:


The browser failed with a 404 when trying to access the following in the static index.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=en&amp;modules=mediawiki.legacy.commonPrint%252Cshared%257Cmediawiki.sectionAnchor%257Cmediawiki.skinning.content.externallinks%257Cmediawiki.skinning.interface%257Cskins.monobook.styles&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=monobook" />

I tried renaming the various "load.php?..." files to "load.html" and "load2.html", then updating index.html to point to them.  The loadx.html files load successfully but there is another load.php reference that I have not found yet, and lots in the other wiki pages.  

Am I missing something obvious?  I found additional .htaccess Rewrite rules in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL/wiki/Page_Title_--_.htaccess but these appear apply if I am trying to run the wiki from https://example.ca.