On August 29, 2023 8:10:57 PM EDT, Brian Wolff <bawolff@gmail.com> wrote:
>Short urls are for viewing normal pages. Other actions like edit, along
>with other entry points like api.php or load.php (static css and js)
>continue to use long urls. Load.php is critical for site css. If you want
>to save a site using wget you will have to save the load.php requests too.
>Some javascript/css may get loaded dynamically when the user does certain
>actions in the interface and thus not be caught by wget (however this does
>not sound like your main issue). Things should degrade gracefully without
>javascript, but of course the css is important.

Thanks for the fast response - it looks like I will need to do a fair bit of editing of the files downloaded by wget.

Although wget downloaded three "load.php" files, Chrome Developer Tools/Network showed additional load.php calls that appear to be invoked from the output of the two load.php calls in Main_Page.  Because these calls were invoked by a script, they were not captured by wget.  I will attempt to download them individually and add script calls to the output in Main_Page and the other article pages.  I started a thread on converting Mediawiki sites to static HTML and will post my experiences there.