On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Niklas Laxström <niklas.laxstrom@gmail.com> wrote:
To my knowledge the best practice is as follows:

1) "Please see [[Project:Help]]."
2) "Please see {{ns:project}}:Help"

1) Inside links MediaWiki will perform normalisation automatically.

Ermm… does it? I thought the best practice was as follows:

1) “Please see [[{{ns:project}}:Help]].”
2) “More details in [[Project:Help|the help pages]].”
3) “Please see {{ns:project}}:Help”

MediaWiki does normalize the _destination URL_ of the links, but not the displayed text, i.e. the displayed result in your #1 would be equivalent to [[{{ns:Project}}:Help|Project:Help]], i.e. English-language “Project” is always displayed.

-- [[cs:User:Mormegil | Petr Kadlec]]