Thanks Brion and Rob for setting this up. I, for one, am happy to have a resource like this.

If you don't remember, I was the Intel guy that was talking too much during the BoF session. I had a lot of people come up and ask me questions afterwards, about how Intel is implementing MediaWiki, and I think there were a few that I didn't get to. Feel free to follow up via email with me - I love to talk about this stuff, and I love it even more when I can help somebody figure something out that's useful to them. :-)

Josh Bancroft

On 8/4/06, Rob Lanphier <> wrote:
On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 15:58 -0400, Brion Vibber wrote:
> This list will be used for discussion of issues with using MediaWiki in
> enterprise and corporate.

Brion, thanks for setting this up so quickly!

Welcome everyone, and thanks for coming to the discussion this

I copied the Gobby notes to the page:

Another session I'd encourage you all to attend is "Organizational Uses
of Wiki Technology", a panel on Sunday at 9:30am in Pound 101:

I'm leaving Saturday afternoon, so I won't be able to make it.  So
please take copious notes for me ;-)

I've set up a stub page which can serve as sort of a home page for this

I plan to doll up the notes from the discussion today, and put more
resources here, but if someone beats me to it, my heart won't be broken.


Mediawiki-enterprise mailing list

Josh Bancroft -
Intel Geek Blogger and
Technology Evangelist