Thanks for your answer. The database dumps and setting up the mirror is my second option I guess.
Before exploring that I would like to make sure that using API directly is not an option due to the traffic. Or is it?
The system being developed is read only.
Characteristics below:


* take a search term, return "exact" match article

response will likely need to include the title, snippet, thumbnail and URL


* take a search term; return relevant articles

likely only return the most relevant article, and preferably only articles that exceed a specific relevancy score

response will likely need to include the title, snippet, thumbnail and URL 


take a article ID, return contents of article
I would be grateful for more info on API accepted external traffics.

2012/12/28 Petr Onderka <gsvick@gmail.com>
You didn't say what kind of queries are you planing to do, but
wouldn't the database dumps [1] be enough for you?

Petr Onderka

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Ewa Szwed <ewaszynal@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently working on a project which involves using the wikipedia
> content. The expected traffic that our system needs to serve is around 200
> qps during peak time.
> My question is if using Media WIKI directly is really my option here (I mean
> sending get requests to http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php ridectly without
> any local mirror). Would this traffic be supported or banned?
> Also what about the availability of the service and possible latencies?
> If it was banned what is the best approach?
> Thanks in advance for any answer.
> Ewa Szwed
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