Thank you everyone who participated!  A few ideas discussed, please add if i missed anything:

* Get more involvement with OSM community mailing lists
* Use "osm" instead of "osm-intl" layer as the base, but bring in the street names
* Evaluate migration of WIWOSM's frontend to Simon's code, with the following merge in into Kartographer extension
* Evaluate migration of WIWOSM database to production servers
* Use Wikiminiatlas's label placing logic in Kartographer
* Wait until Mapnik hstore support for multi-lingual maps
* Would love to get a wiki-specific map design

Here's a copy of the chat we had running - I cleaned it up a bit. This is mostly for us to remember the posted links.

### Jo Hannes

### Max Semenik

### Jo Hannes
Do you use wikidata tags on the OSM objects?

### Blake Girardot
Here are two relevant OSM wiki links, not sure how up to date they are, just for background or information.

### Yuri Astrakhan

### Blake Girardot
Is there outreach to the OSM email lists?

### Yuri Astrakhan

### Max Semenik

### Blake Girardot
Yes, that is true
We had long discussion about it in May
on Tagging list
I think most are open to the idea

### Max Semenik
And I was one of bottery proponents in it:)

### Jo Hannes
I had already started with that...

### Blake Girardot
I just see very little mention of wiwosm at all, announcments in 2012, but not much since.

### Jo Hannes
adding streets and where their names come from
yes, better to get it right for all languages
I will, but don't want to interrupt the flow of the conversation. Mostly listening in. Very interestting

### Yuri Astrakhan

### Daniel Schwen
Sounds like a compromise worth pursuing

### Yuri Astrakhan

### Blake Girardot
Thank you very much, it was very interesting

### Yuri Astrakhan

### Blake Girardot
My only suggestion is more outreach on the OSM lists for collaboration. osm-talk, osm-tagging or osm-dev, might find more help etc. maybe even the mapbox people. I apologize if you already have and I have just missed it, I am not on osm-dev

### Daniel Schwen
Good point about the two use cases
the popup will have to be general
but the embedded map must be *very* customizable

### Blake Girardot
I see. 
700k wikipedia tags current v. 40k wiki data in OSM according to taginfo
oh wow, me too
the josm plugin sounds great

### Daniel Schwen
Ok, guys, I have to go! Interesting to see this gaining momentum. I will follow this, keep me in the loop.

### Blake Girardot
Yes we do 

### Jo Hannes
cu later
oh, I was saying bye to Daniel
aware of the potential for privacy ivnasion

### Blake Girardot
Thank you very much everyone

On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 5:50 AM, Yuri Astrakhan <> wrote:
Update:  If you want to discuss maps, please join this hangout

Monday, December 21,  19:00 UTC / 2:00pm EST / 11:00 am Pacific

If you have any problems connecting, or if you want to talk at a different time, email me directly at

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 10:53 PM, Yuri Astrakhan <> wrote:
Anyone who wants to participate in this discussion is welcome to join the hangout.

How about next Monday, December 21,  19:00 UTC / 2:00pm EST / 11:00 am Pacific

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 10:14 PM, Tim Alder <> wrote:
Hello Yuri,
if you look on the updated version of the map from Simon[1]
you can see that we use now text labels for Wikipedia entries.

This is a design element from the WikiMiniAtlas and I think it has an
positiv effect for the user to set the visual focus on Wikipedia
content. It's also the aim to look different that google maps and it's a
quick (and dirty) way to multilingual maps. ;-)

The problem we have now is, that we have on zommlevels that are on
Country level tons of duplications because we have the Wikipedia-label
and the Text from OSM background. If we only switch to a background
style I would miss useful informations from OSM like street names.
So it would be interesting to discuse if we could get an map where
objects with an Wikipedia/Wikidata tag are transparent. We can also talk
about if we can get a vector tiles layer with these objects from my
database to use the geojson tiles in Leaflet...
I also see a chance that labels are becoming more consitant during
panning and zooming in.

So perhaps it would be possible if you could prepair an hangout to talk
about this and find a date for it via doodle or so. Europes evening
hours would be fine for me, but it's christmas time and the people are

Best regards,
Tim alias Kolossos
