I think we're entering in details here. We're talking spam (99.9%) that has been sitting there for 3 months. Seems there are little objections to the deletion of those messages, great. Some suggestions for how to record that action - I guess it is up to the admins whether that is suitable and worth the effort (I dont'see an upside, but if it is very easy, why not). 

I do think 2 weeks would be much too short - lets stick to the term where it's obvious (3 months), and we can re-evaluate later if it should be shorter. 


On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 1:55 AM, Gergo Tisza <gtisza@wikimedia.org> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 11:59 AM, James Heilman <jmh649@gmail.com> wrote:
I simply ignore most of the spam that comes in. I only get involved with approving items that are not spam.

Ditto. Having old emails deleted (even with a much lower time limit such as two weeks) would actually be very useful because then I wouldn't have to fish through a huge list of spam mails on the management interface in the rare case when an email is valid and I need to whitelist it.

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