I would have thought that under the current circumstances in Hong Kong that a new list should be started, as we do not know the circumstances of individuals in Hong Kong and that many people have been arrested for what are considered political subversion actions.  It should be our key concern to ensure the safety of individuals, we already have mainland chinese people attempting to speak for both Taiwan and Hong Kong.

On Wed, 16 Jun 2021 at 01:44, Samuel Klein <meta.sj@gmail.com> wrote:
Seems appropriate to revive the old one if possible, given that subscribers might want to stay connected

On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 6:17 AM Deryck Chan <deryckchan@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello listadmins,

This is a request for listadmin guru help.

I noticed this month that I get automated monthly reminders about the wikimediahk list, but when I click on the link to manage the settings it goes to a 404 error page. The mailing list itself has been unused for a few years due to the abolition of the original Wikimedia Hong Kong.

I've been asked by the new Wikimedia User Group Hong Kong if they could revive the mailing list (or start a new one). What's the best course of action?


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