Yes, some global & human review seems necessary.

Maybe a higher threshold would make sense. E.g. if a user gets blocked on two or three lists, then a global block is triggered.

На сб, 8.05.2021 г. в 14:20 ч. Asaf Bartov <> написа:
(This could also be an attack vector, though. 

Imagine a local conflict resulting in list admin A marking person B's posts as spam on that local list, effectively silencing person B across all Wikimedia lists.

Without mitigation against that [e.g. a global review queue of marked spam before it becomes a global block], I would be wary of such a feature.)


On Sat, 8 May 2021, 02:05 Kunal Mehta <> wrote:
On 5/7/21 3:04 PM, effe iets anders wrote:
> With the new mailman, I'm really excited to see global bans. Is there
> already some workflow we're supposed to follow to mark spam? It would be
> great if listadmins could mark stuff as spam and that would then trigger
> global bans somehow if it happened multiple times. I know I can file a
> ticket, but want to make sure we first arrive on a desirable solution
> before we throw it into the dev's lap(s) :)

Yeah, that would be really nice. In the past this has been proposed as
"Allow list admins to train spam filters"[1] after GNOME patched their
Mailman to do so.

Upstream mailman3 has a bug for this as well[2], where they suggest that
a plugin could be written for this. If someone writes said plugin and it
works, we can definitely deploy/enable it.

In the meantime I would suggest if you notice a new spam problem, post
here, see if other list admins also say they're having similar problems,
and then we sysadmins can take action.


-- Kunal
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