Good news!, I'm ready for next step.



Brianna Laugher <> wrote:
Hi all,

I am happy to have two things to announce.

The payment method has been finalised. In short, it will be via
Paypal. This means if you participate, you should have a Paypal

The image requests will be organised through JIRA, the issue-tracking
system on the toolserver. There is project called 'PGIP' where they
will appear.

You will need to create an account on JIRA, to be able to pick up
requests to work on.

Using JIRA lets us easily arrange new (unfulfilled) requests,
filled-but-not-completed requests, requests awaiting review, reviewed
requests awaiting payment, and finally completed requests.

There are some "issues" there now ("Illustrations") which all have
names like "test 5", "test 6". I encourage folks to

a) create an account on JIRA
b) play around with the test issues - e.g. by assigning one to
yourself, add comments etc.

JIRA should be fairly multilingual, please let me know if you have
trouble setting your language preference.

What's next: finalising the request list, and then we hop to it!


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