Hi all,

Thanks for your tips!!!!

Before opening my email I realised that XSLT actually has a simple code to transform names etc:
<xsl:element name="dc:creator">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-after(name/value[@lang=1], ', ')" />
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before(name/value[@lang=1], ', ')" />
So that was easy.
But the option in de GLAMwiki toolset looks cool too! I may want to try that later on too!

BTW: if people are interested in the API-call we are building, this is the URL:
Mind you: it’s still work in progress but please feel free to send me your comments

And eh… anyone interested in the XSLT? I could make it available too (when we are finished)

Best wishes

On 13 Sep 2015, at 12:51, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:

Jean-Frédéric, 13/09/2015 12:10:
This is one of the tricks built-in in the GlamWiki Toolset (I have never
tested it though):

When I imported some stuff from BEIC's Primo, I did a regex replacement like this in a LibreOffice document:
([^,:]+(?=,)),? *([^,(:]+)? *:? *([^,\(]+)? * → $2 $3 $1
( : | +) → (nothing)

But there are so many possible formats...


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