ooh, thanks for the reminder.  Would you like feedback here, or on the talk page? 


Sara Thomas

WiR, Scottish Library & Information Council


From: GLAM <glam-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org> on behalf of Alex Stinson <astinson@wikimedia.org>
Sent: 30 August 2017 16:53
To: Wikimedia Chapters cultural partners coordination; Wikimedia & GLAM collaboration [Public]; North American Cultural Partnerships
Subject: [GLAM] Editathon Training Feedback Reminder
Hi all, 

I want to remind everyone, after Wikimania, that I published  an initial draft of an Editathon Training for the Programs and Events Dashboard, and really need feedback on it's content. 



Alex Stinson 
GLAM-Wiki Strategist
Wikimedia Foundation

Learn more about how the communities behind Wikipedia, Wikidata and other Wikimedia projects partner with cultural heritage organizations: http://glamwiki.org