Gendergap July 2011
  • 19 participants
  • 13 discussions

Re: [Gendergap] FW: Proposal: Forking gendergap: Main list for women and transgender, sublist for male supporters
by Adrianne Wadewitz
12 years, 9 months

Woman posting on Wikipedia about knitting, needs investigating
by Susan Spencer
12 years, 9 months

Re: [Gendergap] [Commons-l] Fwd: Photo of the Day on Wikimedia Commons + Indigenous + Gender
by Sarah Stierch
12 years, 9 months

Interesting article about online anonymity and gender
by Pete Forsyth
12 years, 10 months

Fwd: Oral Citations project: People are Knowledge
by Achal Prabhala
12 years, 10 months

As I was passing through...
by Charlotte J
12 years, 10 months

Why don't people edit wikipedia? Small survey results provide some insights.
by Laura Hale
12 years, 11 months

Mostly about fem-edits dilemma
by Karen Sue Rolph
12 years, 11 months

More on fem-edits
by Karen Sue Rolph
12 years, 11 months
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