Hey Vivian

I think your home page link and then I clicked English only results. 2nd or 3rd down. 

Well I think you’re on track with using some type of meta description. It’s got to be page length and then Google decides, hey this looks good as the description. Whatever pages Google is throwing in a bad description you could override and add meta description to the <head>. MediaWiki is painful when it comes to decent SEO. 

If we could figure out why Google does what it does we could be SEO gods and millionaires. 


On Feb 13, 2018, at 4:42 PM, Vivian Epiney <epiney@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi again,

What did you search for exactly to get this Google link ?  By the way, I've already added meta hooks.

I think I know (partly) why. I inspected my website and the problem isn't only in the front page.

For example, search for "www.dicoado.org fidèle" and you'll get " Wiktionnaire · Wiktionary-logo-el-without-text.svg - Synonymes - VikidiaLogo(cropped).png · Mot au hasard · Editer la page. Récupérée de « https://dicoado.org:443/wiki/index.php?title=fidèle&oldid=12533 ». Catégorie : Adjectif. Faits relatifs à « fidèle ». Voir au format RDF ...

Which, again, is a part of the footer and not interesting at all.

Google actually uses as preview the part that comes AFTER the <div class="row"> ... </div> that I use for a grid design. Not sure what I should do with this though... 

Why doesn't Google prioritize content inside tags like <h1> and <big> or <b> (inside the row class) ? Would make more sense...

In the mean time, I've tried to add ".printfooter { display: none; visibility: hidden; }" to my MediaWiki:Common.css

Best regards.

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