Hi again,

What did you search for exactly to get this Google link ?  By the way, I've already added meta hooks.

I think I know (partly) why. I inspected my website and the problem isn't only in the front page.

For example, search for "www.dicoado.org fidèle" and you'll get " Wiktionnaire · Wiktionary-logo-el-without-text.svg - Synonymes - VikidiaLogo(cropped).png · Mot au hasard · Editer la page. Récupérée de « https://dicoado.org:443/wiki/index.php?title=fidèle&oldid=12533 ». Catégorie : Adjectif. Faits relatifs à « fidèle ». Voir au format RDF ...

Which, again, is a part of the footer and not interesting at all.

Google actually uses as preview the part that comes AFTER the <div class="row"> ... </div> that I use for a grid design. Not sure what I should do with this though... 

Why doesn't Google prioritize content inside tags like <h1> and <big> or <b> (inside the row class) ? Would make more sense...

In the mean time, I've tried to add ".printfooter { display: none; visibility: hidden; }" to my MediaWiki:Common.css

Best regards.
