Hey Everyone


I just wanted to let the members of this list know, Foreground is getting ready to release version 2.1.0. I know most of you have been using alpha or beta of either 2.0 or 2.1 (or some variation). If you are using v1.x please read the release page carefully. I have added in the changes introduced in v2.x which have backwards compatibility breaks with all those who may still be using Foreground v1.x.


The release candidate page is here: https://github.com/thingles/foreground/releases/tag/2.1.0-rc1


You can download the files to install. If you are using Git on you server(or dev server), just pull down the changes to the develop branch or fetch and checkout the v2.1.0-rc1 tag.


Testers are appreciated greatly. If there are any issues with rc1 please open an issue. I would like to finalize this release by 2/18. It is already being tested on https://foreground.wikiproject.net but more testers are really appreciated.


Thanks for using Foreground!
