First thing, you have a lot of tables and they have multiple styles all calling the wikitable class. Then the colors are being overridden with hard set row or cell colors from just a quick glance.


First thing, class the tables by type. Wikitable, wikitable effective, wikitable matches, etc. One property in your Mediawiki:Foreground.css is invalid. It is background-color:0 and 0 is not a valid value.


Once you have things sorted. You can use


class=”wikitable” or class=”wikitable effective” and build a CSS with .wikitable { what all tables should have } and then .wikitable.effective { selecting what is different }


use .wikitable tr .highlight { to highlight a row } not bgcolor. OR .wikitable.effective tr .highlight { for a different color } for effective table rows.


MediaWiki:Common.css is where your alternating colors for rows is coming from. Delete the CSS and hard reload the page, purge cache, depends on your server settings, file cache or what not.






From: Foreground <> On Behalf Of christian brothelande
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 10:21 AM
Subject: [Foreground] Problem of displaying tables



On the following section page (, we have a problem displaying tables in wikimanche, with the skin "Foreground". Indeed the table does not have the same rendering and the designers who do not master at all the CSS code have turned to me to try to solve the problem.
For Vector and Monobook there is no problem but with Foreground every other line does not display the desired color. I'm trying to find a solution using the debugging tools that allow to see the code. I think I found the parameter responsible (table tr:nth-of-type(2n)) but I failed to apply a fix.
So I leave it to your celerity, which I do not doubt will help to correct this problem.


Best regards