Hello FDC Advisory Group,

Over the last several weeks, as we waited for responses, we have been working to determine the logistics for this meeting.

I wanted to confirm the dates as 25-26 May (Sunday/Monday) in Frankfurt, Germany. We expect to begin with an optional dinner on 24th May with the Funds Dissemination Committee and then move into a half day meeting with them in the morning of the 25th May (Sunday). Venue and accommodation options are being investigated.  I am also pleased to say that the majority of the Advisory Group members have confirmed that they will be able to attend the meeting, which is terrific news. Again, note that the costs of your attendance at this meeting will be covered by the Wikimedia Foundation.  

I want to thank Pete and Richard for agreeing to join the small group of those working on the agenda. If there is one more person who would like to join, please let us know. Our team will reach out to you in the coming weeks to begin planning the agenda, and we will be sure to secure inputs from members of the Board. Pete, you had asked about the written assignment or remit for the meeting. The FDC Framework outlines the goals for this meeting as:

The Advisory Group will return in a formal capacity at two points before disbanding in September of 2014:
2. After 1.5 years (three rounds) of funds dissemination has been completed and assessed (roughly, in mid-March 2014), the Advisory Group will meet again to advise the WMF Executive Director on improvements to the process based on updated assessment and learnings. [1] 

Pete, I believe your suggested agenda points are very much on target with that outlined goal above, and can be further refined with the small group.  

Our travel team will be reaching out to you shortly to begin to support you with visa requests (if needed) as well as to book your travel. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Also, kindly cc: FDCsupport@wikimedia.org to ensure no gaps in communication.

Warm regards to all, and a happy valentine's day to those celebrating it!

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG/Funds_Dissemination_Committee/Framework_for_the_Creation_and_Initial_Operation_of_the_FDC#Assessment_and_continuous_improvement_of_the_funds_dissemination_process (see "Two-year Trial Period") 

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Katy Love <klove@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Hi Ting, and all,
> We will be compiling a number of inputs for the Advisory Group to review in the coming months. In the mean time, here is a list of the three rounds of funding requests and the FDC recommendations. The best go-to spot for all proposals and recommendations is on the FDC portal under the Proposals section: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG/Proposals
> Here's a bit more, with the requests broken out from the recommendations:
> Round 1 2012-2013
> Funding requests: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013_round1
> Recommendations: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/FDC_recommendations/2012-2013_round1
> Round 2 2012-2013
> Funding requests: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013_round2
> Recommendations: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/FDC_recommendations/2012-2013_round2
> Round 1 2013-2014
> Funding requests: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/Proposals/2013-2014_round1
> Recommendations: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/FDC_recommendations/2013-2014_round1
> If there are other documents you'd like to see compiled, please let me know.
> Warm regards,
> Katy
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Ting Chen <wing2004philopp@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Katy,
>> May in Germany would be fine for me. Before the meeting, is it possible to have a compiled file of last years request from the partner organizations, response and proposal of the FDC and response and feedback from the partner organizations sent to the advisory group please? I know they are all on meta but it would be more convenient to have a compiled file with them altogether.
>> Greetings
>> Ting
>> Am 18.01.2014 21:38, schrieb Katy Love:
>> Hello again, members of the Advisory Group,
>> I have heard back from some but not all of you about your availability for these proposed dates in May. Several of you have confirmed availability, while others have noted some challenges in scheduling and logistics.
>> Please note that costs associated with your participation in the Advisory Group meeting will be covered by the WMF/FDC budget.
>> To those of you I haven't heard from yet, I look forward to hearing about your availability!
>> Cheers, and with sincere gratitude for your work,
>> Katy
>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 4:05 PM, Katy Love <klove@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>>> Hello members of the FDC Advisory Group!
>>> Happy New Year to you all! As you know, the Advisory Group will evaluate the first two year's of existence of the FDC and make recommendations to the Executive Director on how to proceed. The FDC staff would like to begin planning for the Advisory Group meeting, which will be in May 2014.
>>> Based on your suggestion, and confirmed by the FDC, we would like to plan for a half-day of overlap with the FDC members themselves. The FDC deliberation timeline tight, and is likely to be held May 21-24.  The location has not been confirmed, but is likely to be in Europe, quite possibly in Germany.  
>>> Therefore, we'd like to propose to you that the Advisory Group meeting be held on the 25-26 May (Sunday and Monday) in Europe (again, likely in Germany). We suggest two days, though you may feel more or less time is needed. Note that these dates overlap with the US holiday weekend (Memorial Day).
>>> I have two requests for you:
>>> 1. Can you kindly confirm to me off-list whether you would be able to attend this meeting?
>>> 2. We would like to suggest a small group of AG members help the FDC staff (that is Anasuya, Winifred, and me) to plan the agenda and create a list of issues for the AG to address. Can you let me know if you'd like to join this group?
>>> Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. Looking forward to your engagement on this work.
>>> Many thanks to you all!
>>> Katy
>>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Richard Ames <richard@ames.id.au> wrote:
>>>> I think a 'day overlapping' would be a good idea.
>>>> Time and place - I am willing to go most places, Dates need to be settled soon as my family are making tourism plans.
>>>> Regards, Richard.
>>>> On 11/12/13 21:45, Anasuya Sengupta wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, Richard! Here's a quick question for "all of you". :-) Would you
>>>>> like to have a day overlapping with the FDC members so you get detailed
>>>>> feedback from them, or are you fine with simply getting written
>>>>> recommendations from them for your task? The FDC is open to a f2f
>>>>> meeting, and that will also influence timing abdominal venue, of course.
>>>>> Warmly,
>>>>> Anasuya
>>>>> <cut>
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