On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Matthew Flaschen <mflaschen@wikimedia.org> wrote:

The biggest things that aren't covered are:

1. General site search (e.g. I search "Everything" at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search).

2. I search specifically for Flow content, but I start on Special:Search rather than starting at the board (I might not remember which board it was, or even if I do I still choose to start in site search or the search in the top right).

Yes we have to do these things, but our assumption is searching on a board is more important. I naively hope that changes to CirrusSearch needed for board search will make searching the Topic namespace from Special:Search[1] "just work". Meanwhile the user expectation that searching a Talk namespace will find all content that appears on a Flow board in that namespace[2] seems hard to pull off.

[1] https://trello.com/c/VnlAS6vN/664-g-7-spike-figure-out-how-to-add-flow-topic-search-to-site-search-bug-60493
[2] https://trello.com/c/dTRhYBdY/15-flow-boards-should-appear-in-site-search

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