Hi everyone, 
at Wikimedia Argentina we are working with a potential new partner, to work in education. The institution gives school support to about 750 kids from 6 to 12 years old. However, they have huge needs of primary sources for consultation, when working on different school tasks and homework. 

One idea that we considered at Wikimedia Argentina was to provide WikiReaders: students could access them when at school support, and they could read Wikipedia in Spanish for school work, if they need to consult any topic. 

I wanted to know if anyone working on education programs has ever crafted a program that included the readers, and what was their experience. Can we install Wikipedia in Spanish? Is it useful for primary school research tasks? We can only buy it through Amazon, or is there another channel to purchase these devices? Since it works offline, is it possible to update it every other time?

The only information I found was in the device homepage, but I would be glad to read about a program that uses WikiReader somewhere else. 

Thanks in advance!

Warm regards, 

María Cruz
Encargada de Comunicación
A.C. Wikimedia Argentina