Hi all! I am very excited to see this timely thread.

In our project "Communicate OER," we are working on a 6 week facilitated course through the School of Open (part of Peer to Peer University).

We have a draft up -- a very early draft, but probably of interest to others working on similar ideas: https://p2pu.org/en/courses/49/writing-wikipedia-articles-the-basics-and-beyond/

We expect to launch the course in conjunction with the launch of the School of Open, during Open Education Week (starting March 11).

We're very interested in finding a good way to dovetail with the Wikipedia Education Program. We expect many participants to be educators, so offering a clear path to getting started teaching with Wikipedia will be an important facet of the course.

[[User:Peteforsyth]] on Wikipedia and elsewhere

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 09:30:53 -0600
From: "Robert Schnautz" <schnautzr@hotmail.com>
To: <piokon@post.pl>, "Wikimedia Education"
Cc: "Dr. Jonathan Obar" <obar@msu.edu>
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Education] Massive open online course(s)
Message-ID: <SNT124-DS2B36B529CC706E1607213B10F0@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8";

I know that Dr. Obar taught a course on Wikipedia administrator selection. 
Copied him in case he's not on the list (though I can't imagine why not).


-----Original Message----- 
From: Piotr Konieczny
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 6:47 PM
To: Wikimedia Education
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Education] Massive open online course(s) 

Seems like a worthwhile idea. Who, if anyone, has taught courses about
Wikipedia in the past?

I am, in fact, developing one myself, I am currently working on a draft
for Prezi lectures about Wikipedia (they are licensed under CC-BY-SA,
and I'd be happy to share them with you if you'd be interested).

Piotr Konieczny, PhD

On 2/12/2013 4:18 AM, Sage Ross wrote:
Hey folks! I just put up an Individual Engagement Grant proposal for
an idea I've been kicking around for a while now: getting a course
about Wikipedia onto one of the big 'massive open online course'
systems that have been so successful lately (Coursera, Udacity, edX).
Coursera classes typically have tens of thousands of students, so
there's huge potential for recruiting new Wikipedians and bringing
together a lot of the knowledge we've developed about teaching *about*

If you're interested, have a look at the proposal:

And if you have an interest in *leading* a MOOC, let's talk.

Sage Ross (in a volunteer capacity)

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