Hi Sophie and all
A late reply to an interesting message... sorry for the delay, I've been terribly caught up in the outrageous measures that were approved by Parliament in the recent law governing Upper Secondary Education. Teachers were on strike all of last week and up to yesterday, well actually I'm one of the few that held out the whole time (not that I have my financial issues settled but I will sacrifice wages to protest against thousands of teachers having already been laid off: I know my turn will come soon, the government is strangling all of lower to middle-class Greek society plus now we have a fascism trend on our hands too).
No need to get into more tragic details of everyday life in Greece in the EU, it's all over international news anyway.
I really want to send a heartfelt "THANK YOU" for the work you and the other editors have done on this page: https://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/Education_Portal/Projects_and_Programs/Greece
I am particularly pleased that my eye-witness account of the situation in Greek education has been included as an external link. In appreciation that Wikimedia is not an Foundation isolated from important social issues especially where education is involved,  I have added a link to another blog post about ICT education in Greece: unfortunately the Informatics class was indeed abolished from University entry curriculum, which was described as a "Giant Step Backward" by the Computer Science Teachers' Association  in New York, NY (scroll down to Aug. 26). My blog post however does include around 15 external links (once a citation advocate, always a citation advocate!) so it's not just me saying these things. Oh and by the way, the CSTA and the EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science)  were the only two replies I got to the letter: no reply from the recipient  or CC'ed EU officials and agencies whatsoever.
I also did some editing work on the way...:)
Thanks and keep up the great work!
----- Original Message -----
From: Sophie Osterberg
To: Wikimedia Education
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 7:45 PM
Subject: [Wikimedia Education] A page on outreach for each country'seducational activities

Hi all lovely people! 

Just to let you know (and please do edit if something is missing or is incorrect) there are pages for each country which can be found here;

I know some of you have been editing and adding already, thank you for that! The two main reasons for having these pages are;

* For all of us to quickly see what is going on in education around the world 
* For you to hopefully be inspired by what others are taking on in education

And of course, to feel great pride of all the work that is currently being done!

Be Bold! 
Sophie Österberg  

Every single contribution to Wikipedia is a gift of free knowledge to humanity. 

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