WHAT? WHY??? NOOO!!!!!
I'm crushed and crying... :(

On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 8:22 PM, Jami Mathewson <jami@wikiedu.org> wrote:

So sad to hear you're leaving the Wikimedia community, but I'm happy to hear you won't really be gone. 

I wish you well on your next endeavors, and I know I'll see you around. Thanks for all your work as service! :)


On Feb 9, 2016, at 9:50 AM, Anna Koval <akoval@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Dear friends,

During the past three years, I have been privileged to be a part of this movement and this organization.

I have been honored to be your colleague and to work with you in service of the sum of all knowledge.  

The Wikipedia Education Program [1] is especially near and dear to my heart. It is a means of educating readers, recruiting contributors, and creating quality content. Since 2014, the number of education initiatives around the world has increased by 36%. [2] [3] And 25% of all education programs now are in one of the regions that I directly supported. [4] I am so proud of what they have accomplished. And I am enthusiastic about what great things they have yet to achieve. 

I want to thank and compliment my current manager, Floor Koudijs. She is a competent, considerate, conscientious leader, and her diplomacy skills are unsurpassed. I am confident that the education team and the education program will continue to excel under her leadership. They are in the best hands. 

I want to thank my teammates, past and present, from whom I have learned so much: Floor Koudijs. Tighe Flanagan, Samir Elsharbaty, Kacie Harold, Rodney Dunican, Sage Ross, Jami Mathewson, and LiAnna Davis. 

I want to thank the Wikipedia Education Collaborative [5] for sharing their experience and expertise with the greater global education community. I may ask to mentor me when I pilot a Wikipedia assignment in my own classroom!

And I want to thank the education program leaders, past and present, with whom I had the privilege of working closely, especially those whom I had the privilege of visiting. To be able to support their great work was an honor and a lot of fun. 

Wikipedia is a miracle, a monument to altruism. It is vital to the internet ecosystem, and it is vital to the education system. I hope that more young people especially will find their way to it and help out. And when they do, I hope that they are met with wise mentorship from veteran community members, just as I was. 

I intend to remain a Wikipedian even after I am no longer a WMF staff member. And, with that promise, I’ll see you on the wikis. [6] 

All the best,
Anna Koval, M.Ed.


Anna Koval, M.Ed.
Manager, Wikipedia Education Program
Wikimedia Foundation
+1.415.839.6885 x 6729
education-collab mailing list

education-collab mailing list

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