Yes, that's the collaboration at the UCSF. And if any academic institution is interested to collaborate with us, this might help

Also, it so happened that just today I hosted Dr. James Heilman (a.k.a Doc James) for a talk about Wikipedia & Medicine as part of my Wiki-Med course at Tel Aviv University (which opened the same year as the collaboration with UCSF - 2013, if you're curious :)). The Video of our session is here. I just sampled it and for some reason there's an annoying echo, so if that's too annoying, you can listen to last year's session, which was similar, though not identical (no echo after the beginning.. :)).

Finally, it also so happens that we are in the process of election now at the WikiProject Med Foundation, a non-profit that supports all sorts of Wikipedia  & Medicine. You can also join our FB group and if you wanna become members, please fill out this membership form and this voting form. I happen to be the membership secretary (and soon a board member), so I'll expedite your membership request. :) 

Happy to answer any questions about any of this.



On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 1:55 AM, Romaine Wiki <> wrote:
Maybe already mentioned here, but just in case.


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