Dear Collab members,

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

This email serves as a friendly reminder to submit your feedback on the education campaign that is currently in the works.

For more information, please visit Education/Wikipedia_Education_Collaborative/Projects on Outreach.

To submit your feedback, please do so on the talk pageYou may submit your comments to the talk page until Thursday, August 18, 11 pm UTC. 

Please remember that we will rely almost exclusively on Collab members and local program leaders to promote the campaign in the local level. WMF staff will not be running the campaign directly from our end, as we will only give support. Your opinions will be instrumental in helping to shape the campaign. Though there is no hard deadline to submit your feedback, we encourage you to share it as soon as possible, as we will be using the feedback to move forward to the next stages of the campaign. 

I look forward to hearing each and every one of your voices, and I appreciate your time.

