I have always shied away from T-shirt sizing, because I want to be able to compare relative sizes mathematically. How many "small" stories could we do instead of a single "large". Fortunately for me, nobody on the team pushed for T-shirt sizing, and we agreed on this number system as a group. Credit to Julien for proposing the basics, which the team tweaked to produce the posted result.

Phabricator does allow string entries in the points field, by the way. I just don't like them. :)

I look forward to the next several weeks, when we should start to be able to measure velocity and refine the estimations.

Kevin Smith
Agile Coach, Wikimedia Foundation

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 12:02 PM, Stephen Niedzielski <sniedzielski@wikimedia.org> wrote:
\o/ This is awesome! At my last gig, we started using "t shirt" size columns (small, medium, large, XL) when we had a couple epics worth of stories to point. It was much easier to keep a sense of scale when sizing stories next to each other. Each story card would land in a size column and there would often be some column adjustments in the process, "how could that possibly be a 'medium' when this is an 'XL'???" On the Android team, I know we generally point new event logging functionality at two points but otherwise the definition is still a bit murky for me. Glad to see this kind of definition!


On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Kevin Smith <ksmith@wikimedia.org> wrote:
I just added a section to the Discovery process page[1] documenting the guidelines that the Portal team uses for story point estimation. I would like to include a corresponding section for the Analysis team. It can be entirely different, since story point values never cross team boundaries.

[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Discovery/Process#Story_Points

Kevin Smith
Agile Coach, Wikimedia Foundation

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