Thanks for sorting this out, Kevin!

On 19 May 2015 at 15:15, Kevin Smith <> wrote:
This has introduced an inconvenience, thanks to an odd Phabricator behavior. To auto-complete a project name, Phabricator only shows the first 5 matches, AND for some reason it is showing the "Search-and-Discovery-xxx" projects, and not the simpler "Search-and-Discovery". Argh! I have filed a phab ticket for this.

I've noticed the same thing for the apps. Typing in "android" just gets you the sprint projects.

Fortunately if you type in "search team" (without the quotes), the only result is Search-and-Discovery-Team, probably due to the hash tag. So that's workable for now.


Dan Garry
Product Manager, Search and Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation