Woohoo, indeed! Very nice write up and it is really great to be able to share—though if we ever need to hire another data analyst you'll have to come up with new tasks and questions, now that you've revealed all the secrets. ; )

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 4:16 PM, Deborah Tankersley <dtankersley@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Woohoo - great job of writing this up, Mikhail! :)

deb tankersley
irc: debt
Product Manager, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 2:01 PM, Mikhail Popov <mpopov@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Howdy! I'm excited to share an in-depth breakdown of how Discovery hires data scientists, now posted on Wikimedia Blog[1]. It covers how we (responsibly) wrote an inclusive job description to attract diverse candidates, the approach to designing the take-home task, and our approach to technical interview questions.

Some of you may already be privy to Discovery's process for hiring me and Chelsy, but I wanted to share this link anyway. I think there are lessons that hiring managers can learn for other technical positions (not just those in DataSci) because parts of the post were motivated by negative interviewing experiences I and others have had when applying for tech jobs.

I've gotten positive comments from folks at other organizations who are finding the post informative and useful as they think about their hiring process. I mention this because I'm glad to be working at an organization where sharing knowledge and insights with the outside world is not just allowed, but encouraged.

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