On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 10:08 PM, Shahyar Ghobadpour <sghobadpour@wikimedia.org> wrote:

This is specifically the reason I was using Flow as the testbed to develop and iterate upon the mw-ui components. However, I think my team jumped the gun on putting this into Core without fully testing all of the use cases. I take responsibility for this, as I should have been more careful to a) include i18n people in the design mocks, and b) thoroughly test any current uses of affected mw-ui components being moved to Core.

In this case, it's not just any one person's process failure. Jon did come to Matt and I, we also didn't fully realize the implications and test things properly. In the meantime, we have plenty of time to clean up some things, since it doesn't look like this will go out with 1.24wmf15? After that release to the wikis this week, deployments will get frozen until after Wikimania. 

Going forward, I think we will need to shift from a single +2 in gerrit, to a +1 from several teams (perhaps Flow, Growth, Mobile, and Language), before approving a merge to Core. For these mediawiki.ui design goals to succeed, we'll need to make sure we have our primary bases covered via these teams.

Something like this would be good for a shared library. In our retrospectives (notes at Growth/Retrospectives on mediawiki.org) we already committed to giving people a heads up about large mediawiki.ui changes before we submit them, so that y'all can comment. 

Steven Walling,
Product Manager