Can you describe your problem and the steps to reproduce it?
It seems that Blogger doesn't support SVG images (you cannot use its uploader to upload a svg or to hotlink to one; you can of course edit the HTML of the post and hope for the best – it will not show the image in its wysywig editor if you do this but it should be fine after saving.)
I can insert the PNG version of the image you mentioned by using the URL when you right click on the image on the file description page and choose "Copy image URL". Downloading and uploading the same PNG version also works fine for me.

Best regards,

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:22 PM, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com> wrote:
Blogger is the platform I use now for many years to blog about the subjects that are important in my appreciation of a Wiki world. At first I did not illustrate my blogposts but thanks to Pfctdayelise I started to pepper my blog posts with illustrations.

At this moment it is no longer possible for me to upload pictures to blogger. The message that I get is that I have to ensure that I have a license for the pictures that I upload. This is true for pictures that I have downloaded from Commons and cropped, it is for screen shots of the interaction with the Blogger user interface..

It is possible for me to get pictures displayed when I refer to the upload page of a Commons picture but that does me no good when it is a svg picture. Obviously I can download the picture and save it as an png ... but that does me no good.

There are several "solutions" to this problem. I can upload the png, I can use Wordpress instead. The obvious solution is for Google to get its act together.

The solution that I like best is for Commons to become a true repository of images that is not only intended for the illustration of Wikipedia and its sister projects but also for the illustration of blogs like mine. Commons is my first choice for illustrations for my blog but for some topics it just does not provide me with the illustration that I am looking for.

I think that Commons has already many images that are usable, what would be needed is just a different kind of pictures or more pictures that are grouped by subject and easier to find.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Farsi.svg The svg I would like to use as a png
http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.com/2010/08/big-boost-for-mediawiki-localisation-in.html the blog post that needs an illustration

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